Payment of Arrears of Family Pension in the Absence of any Valid Nomination
After the death of Armed Forces Pensioner, all money payable to the pensioner, the estate of deceased pensioner may be paid to his/her nominee. In the absence of nomination made by Armed Forces Pensioner, the arrears of his/her pension are paid as per the “Will”.If such “Will” has not been made, the arrears of his/her pension are paid under the order of the Pension Disbursing Authority if amount of arrears of pension does not exceed Rs 25,000, provided he is otherwise satisfied about the right of claimant. If gross amount exceed Rs 25,000, under the order of PCDA(Pension) on execution of an Indemnity Bond in Form IAFA-642 for payment with such sureties as may be deemed necessary and accepted. In case of doubt and also in cases where the amount of arrears exceeds Rs 250,000, payment shall be made only to the person producing the legal authority. Ministry of Defence, Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare letter No. 1(10)2013-D(Pen/Policy) dated 29 Aug 2017 refers.
Modification of Procedure for Procurement of Drugs and Consumables for ECHS
In all stations with ECXHS Polyclinics local medical stores/chemists will be empanelled for supply of Not Available, emergent, life saving essential drugs on as required basis. The empanelment of local medical stores/chemists will be done by a Board of Officers constituted by the Station Commander and will invite Tenders through Advertisement in the local press. The monetary ceiling for expenditure are enhanced for type A and B Polyclinics Rs 2.5 lakhs per month, type C Polyclinic Rs 1.5 lakh per month and type D Polyclinic Rs 1 lakh per month. Any expenditure above this limit will be approved by CO, ECHS and he may re-appropriate the required funds from the other Polyclinic, if required. Ministry of Defence letter No. 10(3)/2016/FIN/Pen dated 03 Aug 2017 refers.
Grant of Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA)
Ex-servicemen who retired on or after 01 Apr 2003 have to become member of ECHS compulsorily and are not eligible to draw Fixed Medical Allowance. It is applicable only in such cases, where the date of retirement is prior to 01 Apr 2003 and who had opted not to avail medical facilities at OPD of Armed Forces Hospital/MI room and are not member of ECHS. These orders will take effect from 01 Jul 2017. Ministry of Defence, Department of Ex-servicemen Welfare letter No. 1(10)2009- D(Pen/Policy) dated 29 Aug 2017 refers.
Grant of Disability Elements to Armed Forces Personnel who were retained in Service Despite Disability Attributable to or Aggravated by Military Service and Subsequently Proceeded on Premature/ Voluntary retirement Prior to 01.01.2006
Armed Forces Personnel were not being allowed disability elements/war injury elements in terms of MoD letter 16(05)/2008/D(Pen/Policy) dated 29 Sep 2009 but now as per ministry’s letter No. 16(05)/2008/D (Pension/Policy) dated 19 May 2017 all pre 2006 Armed Forces personnel who were retained in service despite disability and retired voluntarily or otherwise will be allowed disability element/war injury element in addition to retiring pension. Records offices will submit affected cases to the PSA alongwith copy of Medical Board Proceedings. Whether Lump-sum compensation in lieu was paid; has to be confirmed first and sanction as per MoD letter No. 4684/Dir(Pen)/2001 dated 14 Aug 2001 has to be issued by Service HQ.