Delay in payment of pension to Defence Pensioners/Family Pensioners by the Pension Disbursing Agencies
It has been decided in the SCOVA meeting that family pension should commence within one month of the receipt of death certificate in respect of the deceased pensioner and other required certificates as stated in DPPI, 2013. To make sure that the families of the deceased pensioners get the family pension in time, an acknowledgement is invariably to be given by the PDAs to the family member on receipt of the death certificate of the deceased pensioner and application for commencement of family pension.
In the SCOVA meeting it has been pointed out that commuted amount of pension is not being restored after deduction of 15 years. It has also been pointed that the Additional Pension on attaining the age of 80 years of age and above is not being started when it is due. Necessary guidelines in the matter has already been issued vide this office Circular No. 165 dated 22/02/2013 and Circular No. 191 dated 23/03/2017. Therefore, concerned pension disbursing authorities are advised to take necessary action accordingly in the matter. It has also been decided in the
SCOVA meeting that item wise details of payment made to the pensioners to be shown in the pass books of the pensioners. The same has already been implemented by the SBI to some extent. All concerned pension disbursing authorities are advised to take necessary action accordingly.
Auth: 30th Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA) meeting held on 23/03/2018 under the chairmanship of Hon’ble Minister of State (PP).
Utilisation of Pan India Empanelled Hospitals
Basic medical care: All ECHS patients need to utilise their parent polyclinic for basic medical care. For higher medical management, the patient will be referred to the adjacent service hospital in case of mil Polyclinic and in case of Non-Mil Polyclinic or when patient is returned from service hospital, the patient will be asked to select an empanelled hospital as per his/her medical need. Choice of empanelled hospital will be exclusive privilege of the patient and no direct/indirect influence will be exerted by anyone.
Referral Management – ECHS patient moving out to an empanelled hospital of his/her RC will obtain initial referral from his parent PC and then report to closest located PC to the selected empanelled hospital. Hospital selected at the parent Policlinic will not be changed unless the specialty and /or hospital is not under valid MoA for local PC/RC. If patient has chosen service hospital from his parent PC and service hospital feels that patient requires some test/subsequent management from an empanelled hospital , the said referral will be generated by adjacent/local military PC. Based on the service hospital capacity, local restrictions can be imposed by Central Org ECHS viz all Cardio and TKR/THR cases are required to be routed to Army Hospital (R&R) for Delhi –NCR PCs. Any patient outside Delhi-NCR can also utilise facilities of Army Hospital (R&R) for Cardio and TKR/THR. Patient coming from outside has to have valid referral for an empanelled hospital and not for a Polyclinic. Polyclinic which finally generates the executable referral will be addressing all concerns of the patients. He/she has to report to the PC physically closest to the empanelled facility selected. Referral will be generated by the parent PC only. In case patient happens to be away from parent PC, he/she can approach any nearest PC for basic medication & medicines limited only to seven days. In case of referral by non parent PC, consent of parent PC is obligatory. In case of emergency, patient can report to any empanelled/non empanelled facility as emergency has been defined as life threatening conditions. Emergency has got nothing to do with open/closed timings of PC but primarily dependent on medical condition of the patient. If the patient plans to spend six months or more, he/she should change his parent PC closest to the place of stay. Medical care within the capacity of a PC can be availed by all members anywhere in the country subject to medicine being available for seven days only. Draw of medicines from more than one place of the same duration will make members ineligible. All patients will follow highest degree of integrity. ‘NA’ medicines in PC store will be provisioned by ALC. Patient should be informed on tele/SMS about medicines availability to avoid inconvenience to the extending possible.
Auth: Central Org, ECHS letter No. B/49771/AG/ECHS/Emp/Gen dated 12 Jul 2018