LTA is the pension for the period it was not drawn during the lifetime of a pensioner. According to Arrears of Pension (Nomination) Rules, 1983, pensioners are required to nominate another person, during his/her lifetime to receive the arrears of pension, due to the pensioner on his/her death. This is
paid to the nominee, and if there is no nominee, lifetime arrears can be claimed by the legal heirs and settled. However, time-barred claims will be settled by the sanction of the concerned Pension Sanctioning Authority.
Change of PDA
If you want to get your pension account transferred to any other PDA/bank, apply to your present PDA. PCDA (P), Allahabad has no role to play in this regard except in case of a transfer outside India. To change the PDA, submit an application to your current PDA. The application form for change of PDA is available on PCDA (Pen), Allahabad on their website.
Delay in Receipt of PPO
Often there is a delay in receipt of PPOs when the pension claims are not submitted to the Pr. CDA (P) office at least three months before the date of retirement. Ensure that the pension application is submitted well in advance to your RO/HOO to ensure early notification of pension. In case, any problem relating to the receipt of PPO or corrigendum PPOs, lodge a complaint. Also, send intimation to Pension Disbursing Authority and Record Office/Head of Office regularly, for any change in your residential address. Ensure that you fill all the columns of the pension application so that your claim is not returned.
Pension not drawn by Pensioner
In case you have not drawn your pension for the last 12 months, please approach your PDA with explanation for the delay, non-re-employment and non-conviction certificates. Treasury Officers/PAOs have powers to make payment of arrears up-to 3 years (5 years in case of DPDOs). Pr. CDA (P) can sanction arrears claims beyond these limits.
Endorsement Of Family Details/Family Pension
If joint notification of family pension has not been done in your case, apply on the proper form to your PDA for endorsement of family pension. Your PDA will process the application through your R.O./H.O.O./Army HQs.
Dispute on Family Pension
In case of any dispute regarding entitlement to family pension, the matter may be got sorted out with RO and HOO. For immediate guidance, the assistance of local Zila Sainik Board may be sought.
Rejection of Disability Pension
In case disability pension is rejected, you are entitled to make, an appeal to the Govt. of India within 6 months through the Record Office, if you feel that the disability in your case is due to Service factors. Similarly, the family of the deceased can also make an appeal, if the claim for special family pension is rejected.
A problem regarding receipt of payment of Pension
If you have any problem regarding payment of pension, write to your PDA with PPO No. and account number. If your problem is not solved by PDA, write to the Group Officer of the Audit Section of Principal CDA(P) Allahabad/Public Grievances Officer, Office of the Principal Controller of Defence Accounts (Pension), Draupadi Ghat, Allahabad, or ‘lodge a complaint’ through their website.
While sending your application/representation to the office of the Principal C.D.A.(P), Allahabad, ensure that complete information/ particulars are invariably furnished along-with full details of your problem/ grievance. A format for lodging a complaint is given under ‘Grievance redressal’ and also under ‘lodge a complaint’ both available on their website.
Incorrect notification of Pension
If you have any problem or doubt regarding the rate of pension granted to you, write to the Record Office/H.O.O. indicating the P.P.O. No. in which the pension was granted to you. If the pensioner feels that some correction is required in his PPO, he should contact his Head of Office/PDA for taking up the matter with Pr. C.D.A. (P), Allahabad.
Non-payment of OTI
If you are entitled to OTI, submit the OTI application to your PDA for payment.
PPO lost/Request for duplicate PPO
If the PPO is lost/not received, request the PDA to send a loss certificate on the prescribed form to Principal CDA (P), Allahabad/other PSA
Pension/Family Pension not revised
In case your pension has not been revised as on a date or the same has been incorrectly revised, fill the form given under ‘Lodge a complaint’ for sending the same through E-Mail or write to them by post on the format provided under ‘Grievance redressal’ on their website.