Pension is an important aspect of retired life. Not only does it help one live with dignity but also ensures a decent standard of living. That said, a lot of times, lack of information, not enough information or the correct information can be big concern areas. We list a few basic pension questions that we received which will help you wade through some queries you might have.
Pension basics answered
What is the protection for family pensions for the family of a Major General?
It will not be less than that for a Brigadier.
I have given option and undertaking but the Pension Disbursement Agency is not paying the fixed medical allowance.
Fixed medical allowance in respect of Armed Forces Pensioners is subject to option and undertaking to be given by them that they do not want to avail OPD medical facility at MH/MI room. Medical facility would be available in the bank, the person re-employed will not be entitled to payment of medical allowances when reemployed.
My family pension has been stopped on the allegation that I have remarried.
It should not be stopped for this, but the fact should be reported by the PDA to Pr CDA(P).
Pensioner of the same rank who was discharged from service on the same date as mine is getting more pension than me.
Report the matter to PDA
Are the widows of Armed Forces Pensioners who are in receipt of family pension under EPF scheme 1971, 1995 entitled to a family pension from Army?
Yes. ROs will initiate and submit the claims to PSAs. The benefit is available from July 27, 2001, in past cases and from the date following the date of death in later cases.
What is the procedure for joint notification of family pension in respect of Armed Forces Pensioners?
Joint notification of family pension simultaneously with service pension in the same PPO in respect of JCOs/OR became applicable from 1.3.’85 but it is done only in favour of the wife. Children, parents, cases of more than one wife and reemployment are not covered under this. For those who were sanctioned pension prior to 1.3.’85, family pension on the PPOs of living pensioners was covered under the ministry of defence letter dated 30.6.’88. The affected pensioner is to apply on Appendix I to the aforesaid letter with a joint photograph of spouse and send it to the concerned RO through his PDA. PDA after verification of entries will send it to RO concerned who will send the application form to PSA.

What is the procedure for revision of Pension/Family Pension in respect of Pre-86/Pensioners/Family Pensioners?
For this, the individual is required to apply to his PDA on a prescribed application form — Annexure-II to the government of India, Ministry of Defence letter dated 14.7.’98. PDA will revise service pension as per tables to the ibid MOD letter with reference to rank, group and qualifying service of the pensioner where OP (Original Pension) in his records tally with the OP shown in the tables. If OP does not tally, these cases will be referred to Pr CDA(P) by the PDAs who will fix revised pension with effect from 1.1.’96 and issue instructions to PDA for payment.
Is the restoration of commuted portion of the pension admissible to those who were absorbed permanently in autonomous bodies, PSUs and have drawn lumpsum capitalised value in lieu of pension?
Only 1/3rd portion of pension, normally allowed to be commuted may be restored after 15 years from the date of commutation. Dearness relief is also payable on this.
Continuance award of Special Family Pension is admissible from which date and in whose favour is it continued?
When SFP is sanctioned to a widow who dies, then it is sanctioned to father or mother. It is considered from the date of application by the parents.
Whether in all cases service element is payable along with disability element in disability pension cases?
Those who are discharged from service on completion of their terms of engagement with service gratuity without earning a service pension, if found suffering from a disability accepted as attributable to or aggravated by service at 20 per cent or above, maybe sanctioned Disability Element in addition to service gratuity. Service element is not payable in such cases.