The sounds of alarm deeply echoed As peril across the borders rode All around the armed camps. To arms our soldiers take. The scent of the enemy drew close, Into the chambers, the bullets drove home As snakes in dark creep in stealth The enemy across our soil inched. Forewarned, resolute, with grits of steel, Marched forward our soldiers brave. Battle crises of yore rent the skies.
Melting snows with their fiery wave. Blood for blood bullet for bullet, Inched forward our battle lines. The sands glowed red with blood and gore, Yet our relentless tide flowed on. Death descended, fear struck at will Slinked home the cowardly foe. Martyrdom not in vain, the price paid in blood, Fluttered high the tricolour, On the soil of lands liberated. The enemy dead littered the land, India’s sons victorious stood, Borders secure, freedom regained.

Oh, my countrymen Spare a moment for these brave sons, The widows, the fatherless, the bereaved. Who in silence still shed their tears. Enshrine in your hearts forever memories. Of our proud sons who paid the price Forget never the sorrowing kin, Of those who shed blood for flag and nation.
Let not fickle memories in us fade, Our moral duty for them, To care for, do and mould them to be, Proud children of a warrior breed. From varied lands, religions and tongues Gathered these valiant ones To defend our right with might, To die in glorious martyrdom, To teach us, who in peace squabble Lessons of unity, sacrifice and courage.
– The poet is a BA student in Aligarh. His father is serving in the Army Medical Corps