Coal Loading and Transportation Scheme
The Scheme is administered on the basis of MoU between the Coal India Limited (CIL) and DGR which sets out the terms and conditions governing the formation and running of ESM Coal Loading and Transportation Companies in any of the Coal Subsidiaries of CIL in the States of Odisha, Chhattisgarh and Maharashtra.
Eligibility Criteria. An eligible ESM (O) registered with DGR consequent to his empanelment for the ESM Coal Loading and Transportation Scheme would be maintained in the Active List up to 60 years of age (Brig or Equivalent & below) and 62 years of age (General Officers or Equivalent).
Procedure. On receipt of requisition from the Coal Subsidiary the ESM Company will be sponsored by DGR. After a feasibility study in Coal Subsidiary, the selected ESM (O) forms a Private Limited Company, duly registered with Registrar of Companies. The company has to start with an authorised capital of 60- 80 lacor more, shared between the ESM (Os). ESM Company will commence its operations with one pay loader and ten tippers and within a period of one year will increase its fleet to three pay loaders and thirty tippers. The pay loaders will be owned by the ESM Company. Out of thirty tippers, ten tippers will be reserved for allotment to widow/disabled ESM. Four tippers will be for ESM(Os) who have not taken ESM Company/Security Agency from DGR. Sixteen tipper trucks will be for JCOs/ORs and equivalent. The ESM Company is required to employ a minimum of 75% of total number of employees as ESM. The ESM Company will be permitted to operate for 5 years extendable to 9 years.
Coal Tipper Attachment Scheme for ESM.
Out of thirty tipper trucks, twenty tipper trucks will be allotted through this scheme.
Eligibility Criteria and Procedure for Registration.ESM can register directly or through concerned DRZs. ESM will be attached as tipper owners as per the seniority of registration in the scheme.
Modalities of Operation. The tipper owners will have to provide the seed money for the tippers ranging between Rs. 4-6 lacs depending upon the loan to be taken from the bank. ESM Company Directors will assist ESM to get loan from the banks. Two to three ESMs can join to purchase the tipper truck and share the profit proportionate to the seed money provided. Broad Earnings from the Scheme.
An ESM will be able to earn approx. Rs. 12-15 lac on an investment of Rs. 4-6 lac within a period of five years. The earning can be even more if the ESM works with the Company in the Coal Mines fields.
Coal Tipper Attachment Scheme for Widows/Disabled ESM.
In this scheme the widow/disabled ESM will contribute onetime payment of Rupees one lakh. The ESM Company will pay fix remuneration of Rs.3000/- per month to the widow/disabled ESM which will be attached with them. The capital deposited will be refunded back to the widow/disabled ESM after the completion of five years. Ten tippers are reserved per ESM Company for this scheme. Two widows/disabled ESM will be attached against one tipper to the ESM Company.
Note: For queries, contact dirsedgr@yahoo.comthrough email.
Management of CNG station by ESM (Officers) in NCR
Company Owned Company Operated (COCO) CNG Stations of Indraprastha Gas Limited in NCR Area to include Delhi and NOIDA are managed by retired Defence Services Officer’s. The ESM(O)s who are empanelled for this scheme with DGR are sponsored to IGL who in turns select the ESM(O) based on the panel of ESM(O) provided by DGR. The selected officer is contracted for management of the CNG station by the IGL for a period of five years on a yearly renewable contract basis. Selected retired officer gets emoluments of Rs.45,000/- (approx.) per month or 14% of the wages disbursed which-ever is higher with an annual increment of Rs. 2000/- per annum.
Eligibility. Class I Commissioned officers (Army, Navy, and Air Force) below 59 years of age and retired/released within 5 years at the time of registration for the scheme, resident of NCR,be able to provide bank guarantee for 3 to 5 lac (subject to revision), should have availed no other benefit from DGR or be registered in any other scheme of DGR earlier, ESM (O) at the time of sponsorship should not be employed with any Govt/Semi Govt/Private concern. In case the ESM (O) has taken up any job he is required to render resignation and submit an undertaking of his employment status before he is sponsored for the scheme.