In continuation of provisions contained in the various letters of MoD, the procedure for taking action against private empanelled medical facilities by CO ECHS and MoD, Deptt of Ex-Servicemen Welfare and delegation of power in this regard
shall be as indicated in the succeeding paragraphs. Cases of violation of conditions of MoA are categorised as Level- I, Level-II and Level-III as under. It is clarified that the list is illustrative and not exhaustive.
- Level-I Refusal of service, discrimination against ECHS beneficiaries vis-a-vis others, refusal of treatment on credit to eligible beneficiaries and charging directly from them and non-authentication of ECHS beneficiaries through the system as laid down by ECHS from time to
- Level-II Reduction in staff/infrastructure/equipment after empanelment with ECHS, undertaking unnecessary procedures, prescribing unnecessary drugs/tests, overbilling, non-submission of the report, habitual late submission or submission of incorrect date in report and repetition of Level-I violations despite the issue of a warning to HCO by CO
- Level-III Non providing access to financial and medical records to ECHS authorised persons during visit to hospital/medical facility and criminal offences by staff of the hospital against any beneficiary or dependent, like rape, molestation For more details and procedure for handling complaints contained in MoD, Deptt of Ex-Servicemen Welfare letter No. 25 (02)2018/WE/D(Res) dated 10 Oct 2019.
Grievance Redressal Mechanism
The following efforts/arrangements are made for expeditious redressal of grievances of ex-servicemen:
Online Centralized Public Grievance Redress and Monitoring System are maintained by the Department of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances for effective and timely resolution of a public grievance. Joint Secretary (ESW) is the nodal officer for the Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare. Joint Secretary (ESW) reviews the status on a monthly basis.
Controller General of Defence Accounts (CGDA):
Public grievances redressal mechanism for ex-servicemen has already been functioning in the CGDA and are being closely monitored at various level. The grievances are also processed through online Centralised Public Grievance Redressal and Monitoring System (CPGRAMS) and disposed of as per prescribed timeline. A dedicated call centre in PCDA (P), Allahabad has also been established with Toll-free number 1800-180-5325 where an ex-serviceman can get the queries resolved through phone calls.
Army Headquarters (AG/PS-5):
The redressal of public grievances system for ex-servicemen have been strengthened with setting up of dedicated Directorate in the IHQ of Ministry of Defence (Army) called Directorate of Indian Army Veterans(Army). Apart from this, time-bound redressal of grievances has also made through the CPGRAMS, which is web-based programme hosted in pg-portal Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances (DARPG). The grievances redressal is accorded priority and efforts made to redress any grievance within stipulated 60 days of lodging the grievances.
Naval HQ/DPA:
The redressal of Public Grievances System for ex-servicemen have been strengthened with setting up of dedicated Directorate in the IHQ of Ministry of Defence (Navy) called “Directorate of Ex-Servicemen Affairs”. Similarly, a dedicated unit called “Naval Pension Office” at Mumbai has also been set-up by the Navy to resolve the grievances of Naval Pensioner’s/Family Pensioners. Grievances received through letters/telephone by Navy are addressed by these organizations. Apart from time-bound redressal of grievances through the above mechanism, the same are also resolved by Navy through CPGRAMS, an online web-enabled system over NICNET developed by NIC in association with the DARPG to provide speedy redressal and effective monitoring of grievances of citizens by ministries & departments of Govt. of India. The redressal of grievances through CPGRAMS is accorded highest priority and efforts are made to redress any grievance within stipulated 60 days from the date of lodging the grievance.
A dedicated Air Veterans Cell is functioning for the Air Force Veterans to redress the grievances of ex-servicemen and every effort is in place to ensure early redressal of queries, if any, with respect to Air Veterans.
Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare:
There is specific cell in the Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare (DESW) for handling grievances relating to pension. The grievances received electronically through CPGRAMS are disposed of electronically and the remaining grievances are disposed of manually. Grievances related to pension fixation, disbursal, rehabilitation, re-employment, financial assistance, the grant of benefits to ESM/families by the State Governments such as land/houses/flats, compensation, ex-gratia, criminal complaints etc. The grievances are forwarded by the Pension Grievance Cell and other sections in the DESW to the respective Government agencies/units in the Armed Forces, Controller General of Defence Accounts (CGDA) etc. for necessary action and disposal. All the three attached offices under the administrative control of DESW namely, Kendriya Sainik Board Sectt., Directorate General of Resettlement and Central Organisation, ECHS have their own grievance redressal mechanism in place.