Issue of e-PPO to Pensioners/Family Pensioners
PCDA (P) Allahabad has started issuing e-PPOs for all categories of pensioners. A new PPO series was also introduced for various types of e-PPOs and subsequently range of modification took place while adopting the process. Copies of digitally signed e-PPOs are being sent electronically to PDAs and to Record Offices (RO) concerned in case of JCOs/ORs. The RO, after scrutinising and checking the e-PPO, is required to forward a hard copy of the e-PPO (after printing from the PDF file) along with Descriptive Roll of the pensioners to PDA concerned. Record Offices (RO) are also required to provide a copy of the e PPO to the Armed Forces Pensioners/ Family Pensioners for their record either as a hard copy or through e-mail as deemed fit. Record Offices will instruct their representative/s to contact the DPCC (Defence Pension Contact Centre) functioning in the premises of the PCDA (Pension) Allahabad for collection of e-PPO in soft copy viz. Compact Disk (CD) or in Pen Drive. Discrepancy observed in the e-PPO, if any, will be immediately brought to the notice of PCDA (Pension) Allahabad for necessary action by them. For any query regarding PPO, contact Lt Col Palani S, Officer I/C, DPCC (E-mail ID:, Phone: 0532-2423486, Army Line: 6219). Record Offices will also ensure that e-PPO are collected and dispatched timely to PDAs along with Descriptive Roll so that payment of pensionary benefits are made to the pensioners/family pensioners in time. PCDA (Pension) Allahabad Circular 601 dated 06 Jul 2018 refers.
Enhancement of Ex-Gratia Adhoc Allowance
Ex-Gratia Adhoc Allowance has been sanctioned on compassionate ground@ Rs 9000/- pm w.e.f 01 Jan 2016 to Armed Forces pensioners/family pensioners migrated from Pakistan, Burma Army pensioners/family pensioners who are Indian national and drawing their pension in India and Burma Army pensioners of Nepalese origin who are drawing pension in India and Indian Embassy, Pension Paying Offices in Nepal. These categories of pensioners/family pensioners will also be eligible to dearness relief on the ex- gratia ad-hoc allowance at the enhanced rate under the GOI, MoD, Deptt of ESW letter No. 1(5)/2017/D(Pen/Policy) dated 11 Apr 2018 at the rates admissible to Central Govt pensioners from time to time. The extra liability on account of Ex-gratia ad-hoc allowance to Burma defence family pensioners will be borne by the Govt of India. The pre-revised Ex-gratia ad-hoc Allowance (including DR etc.) already drawn by the above pensioners from 1.1.2016 onward shall be adjusted from the enhanced Ex-gratia Ad-hoc Allowance which shall become payable w.e.f. 1.1.2016 under these orders. Policy and procedure regarding payment of Ex-gratia Ad-hoc Allowance shall continue to be governed by the existing instructions issued in the matter so far. It may be ensured that the payment to pensioners/family pensioners indicated above is made into the Aadhaar linked Bank Accounts. Any overpayment due for recovery may be adjusted against the arrears now payable. All other terms and conditions shall remain unchanged. All PDAs will identify the effective cases and revise the rate of Ex-gratia Ad-hoc allowance. PCDA (Pension) Allahabad circular 603 dated 11 Jul 2018 refers.