Defence Minister AK Antony in a written reply to Mr. Ambeth Rajan in Rajya Sabha on August 14, 2013, stated that while considerable progress has been made in development of aero-engine for the Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) by Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) since its initiation in 1989, full objectives have not been achieved, as the desired thrust. Hence, the GEF404 Engine has been selected as power plant for LCA Mk-I. LCA Mk-II requires a higher thrust class Engine, therefore, GE-F414 Engine has been chosen as the power plant for LCA Mk-II. Both engines are imported from M/s General Electric, USA.
LCA Programme (Mk-I & Mk-II) has already gone ahead with alternate engines (GE-F404 & GE-F414). Kaveri engine development programme is continuing and a dry variant of it will power Indian Unmanned Strike Air Vehicle (IUSAV).