भारत द्वारा वियतनाम को पूरी तरह से चालू नौसैनिक युद्धपोत आईएनएस कृपाण उपहार में…
Air Cmde Prashant Dikshit, VM

Air Cmde Prashant Dikshit, VM
Air Cmde Prashant Dikshit was awarded a Vayu Sena Medal for gallantry during the 1971 War. An alumnus of the National Defence College in New Delhi with an MA in Defence Science from Allahabad University, he was the editor of Salute for eight years. Air Cmde Dikshit commanded Air Force Station Begumpet, Secunderabad as a Group Captain and Air Force Station, New Delhi as an Air Commodore. A well-recognised commentator on strategic issues, he is a life member of the United Services Institution, New Delhi, an armed-forces think tank. He is also a member of the Institute for Defence Studies and Analysis in New Delhi.
In July 2023 India gifted a fully operational, in-service, naval missile corvette, INS KIRPAN…
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As we come to the anniversary of the Galwan clash the following analyses undertaken…
As we come to the anniversary of the Galwan clash between India and China,…
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